skin abnormalities It can indicate your health.

skin color abnormalities It can indicate your health. We have methods to observe as follows.
Signs of dandruff on the scalp Dandruff that occurs on the scalp can be caused by many reasons, including dry skin, weather, and allergies to shampoo. Lack of nutrients, especially ‘zinc’, a symptom that often occurs is the cause of dry skin.
Signs of flaky skin The same is true of dandruff. For the problem of flaky skin If it’s not because of the dry air, it could be because the body lacks vitamin D. Try adding vitamin D to your meals, such as fish, milk, butter, nuts, and get out in the morning sun. It will help your symptoms get better. Importantly, it also helps to make bones strong at the same time.
Signs of acne: Acne is another problem that occurs. It can be caused by many reasons, whether it be hormones, oily skin, or not washing your face thoroughly. which acne appears in various locations in The body or face is also associated with various serious diseases. For example, Acne appears on the nose area. you are in trouble About high blood pressure or acne on your chin, you are having problems with stress. Or is it a time Hormonal changes are occurring. or about to have your period. However, when you have acne, do not squeeze it. But you should see a doctor. or find medicine to take
Signs of skin inflammation are a rash. If acne develops into a rash Shows that the body lacks probiotics. Try focusing on eating more probiotic foods, such as eating yogurt. Because this will increase the microorganisms in the intestines. Otherwise, eat good fats by choosing vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, olive oil, or rice bran oil. Used for cooking
Signs of aging It is a clear sign that the body is deteriorating and should look for ‘Coen Zyme Q10’ to help nourish the skin.
This essence will help prevent oxidation and prevent The generation of free radicals is good.
Signs of dermatitis When this happens, it means that The body is needing more vitamin B6 and vitamin B3 than before. The way to increase your vitamin intake is to eat more bananas, potatoes, chicken breast, spinach, avocado, salmon, tuna, rice germ, beans, acacia, eggs, and whole wheat bread. These foods will relieve symptoms. that can be improved You can also get more nutrients or other vitamins.
withered hand signal Even though I didn’t work hard. This sign clearly indicates that you are lacking iron. You must quickly eat a lot of this type of food. Foods rich in iron include liver, meat, chicken, seafood, bell peppers, acacia, tomatoes, pumpkin, taro, prunes, etc.
Signs of dry skin When this happens, make an observation. Before that, I didn’t drink enough water. So it’s a simple fix. By drinking enough water in the first place
Signs of dry, cracked lips Indicates that you lack vitamin B2, which this vitamin can be found in. Foods include grains, nuts, butter, eggs, and green leafy vegetables. You can use lip balm or Vaseline. to solve immediate problems